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Airline Strategy Awards 2025

The Airline Strategy Awards will return on 14 July 2025 in central London. Organised by FlightGlobal and in association with Airline Business and Korn Ferry, the awards continue to recognise leadership excellence at airlines across the globe. The awards are open to any senior executive or airline team that has ...

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    Future of aviation: Runway safety

    Exclusive partner

    A series of runway incursion and excursion incidents in the past 12 months has highlighted the importance of the industry continuing its laser focus on runway safety. Our expert panel will discuss what the data tells us and the role onboard and on-ground technology, as well as training, can play in eradicating the risk.

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    Meet the airline sustainability leaders

    Exclusive partner

    We bring together chief sustainability officers from three influential carriers to discuss their environmental strategies

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    Navigating the path to certification for electric aircraft

    Paid content by

    In this webinar, we look at the developments to date and what to expect from regulatory frameworks in the aviation industry for hybrid and all-electric aircraft. This session will provide valuable insights into the certification landscape, covering aspects from manufacturing to engineering, and its impact on future advancements

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    How AI is revolutionizing aviation weather

    Exclusive partner

    This webinar is exclusively sponsored by The Weather Company. Artificial intelligence has been used in aviation weather forecasting and decision support since the 1980s. Yet, it’s recent breakthroughs in AI methodologies and computational power that are ushering in a transformative era

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    Can hydrogen power aviation to a zero-carbon future

    Exclusive partner

    This webinar is exclusively sponsored by Honeywell. Is hydrogen the answer to aviation’s sustainable aviation challenge? Can it replace carbon-based fuels as a power source for larger aircraft, and what role can it play alongside other disruptive technologies such as electric, hybrid-electric and biofuels?

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    Can AAM live up to its promise?

    Exclusive partner

    Sponsored by exclusive partner: Honeywell. A flurry of advanced air mobility platforms will take to the skies for the first time in 2024 and 2025. In this webinar we look at AAM’s potential for truly disrupting short-distance mobility and the industry’s carbon impact, as well as the many challenges the nascent sector still faces, from regulatory to infrastructure, technical to training, and financial to market acceptance.

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